
Beurteilung von Advanced Materials in Emerging Solar Technologies unter besonderer Berücksichtig der Kreislaufwirtschaft

Project Description

Novel photovoltaic technologies (“Emerging” PV technologies) enable the manufacturing of ultra-thin, flexible and lightweight solar cells that open up new areas of application (from building to medical technology). The inorganic / organic advanced materials used for this, such as certain polymers, perovskites, quantum dots etc., have great potential to increase the energy efficiency of solar cells, however, as critical raw materials (‘CRMs’), they involve a high level of risk and uncertainty. Therefore, in the SolarCircle project, a review and categorization of selected advanced materials as well as an assessment of the application potential will be carried out. A basis for the evaluation of potential release and disposal scenarios of emerging PV technologies should also be provided, with special attention to the circular economy and sustainability aspects. The aim of SolarCircle is to design a basis for decision-making for R&D, authorities and end users in terms of the sustainable development of emerging PV technologies. In a stakeholder workshop, this concept will be discussed using a specific example in order to obtain a congruent and validated concept (“Descision supporting tool”) for future PV technology-related research and applications.

Project Consortium

  1. BOKU
  2. Energieinstitut an der JKU Linz
  3. Linz Institute for Organic Solar Cells

Project duration

01.10.2020 - 30.07.2021

Funding provider


Funding program

NANO-EHS, Nationale/Transnationale (koop.) FTEI-Projekte 2019
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Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie
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