
Entgelte und Bepreisung zur Steuerung von Lastflüssen im Stromnetz

Project Description

As part of the Flex-Tarif project, the objectives of realizing existing load shifting potential in the electricity sector as well as the economic, legal, technical and social framework conditions are analyzed. The project examines the legal admissibility and the effectiveness of different flexible tariff models in the electricity sector and derives possible conflicting goals, challenges and problems from a technical, economic and social perspective.

Project Consortium

  1. Energieinstitut an der JKU Linz
  2. TU Graz

Project duration

01.09.2013 - 31.08.2014

Funding provider

Climate and Energy Fund

Funding program

Energy Mission Austria e!MISSION 2012 2.AS
Klimafonds 2d Rbg Neu Ab 2023
Dieses Projekt wird aus Mitteln des Klima- und Energiefonds gefördert und im Rahmen des Programmes "841213" durchgeführt.
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