Interaktive Netzoptimierung und Netztarife

Project Description

The INNOnet project tests several potential network tariff options under real conditions in order to support the creation of dynamic load-dependent tariffs with evidence-based solutions. The evaluation of the reaction of household consumers to load-dependent network tariffs in real operation will determine the flexibility potential and at the same time support the practical, fair and efficient implementation of these future tariff structures by network operators in Austria. To achieve this goal, load-dependent tariffs will first be designed and then applied to 500 household customers of Netz OÖ GmbH and Linz Netz GmbH. In order to get an accurate picture of the effects of the proposed new tariff structures, it is important to have a well-represented sample of customers that corresponds to the expected characteristics of future end users (prosumers, e-mobility, heat pumps, storage, automation, etc.). In the case of Energienetze Steiermark, around 40 customers from a local network with central storage will participate, all of whom have control technology for automated use of the test tariffs.

Project Consortium

  2. Netz Oberösterreich GmbH
  3. Energienetze Steiermark AG
  4. tounify GmbH
  5. HAKOM Time Series GmbH
  6. FH OÖ F&E GmbH
  7. SIEMENS AG Österreich
  8. clever-PV
  9. Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
  10. Energieinstitut an der JKU Linz

Project duration

01.03.2023 - 28.02.2026

Funding provider

Climate and Energy Fund

Funding program

Energiefreiraum 2. Ausschreibung
Klimafonds 2d Rbg Neu Ab 2023
Dieses Projekt wird aus Mitteln des Klima- und Energiefonds gefördert und im Rahmen des Programmes "44322905" durchgeführt.
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