openENTRANCE (open ENergy TRansition ANalyses for a low-Carbon Economy) aims to develop, use and disseminate an open, transparent and integrated modelling platform to assess low-carbon transition pathways in Europe. The openENTRANCE modelling platform will shed light on the impacts and economic costs of the different energy pathways Europe could take to achieve its climate goals. With this scientific basis, openENTRANCE aims to support social, economic and political actors in better decision-making. The Energieinstitut team is responsible for case study 1 in the openENTRANCE project. This case study focuses on the potential role and value of household demand flexibility in the future European electricity grid under plausible assumptions of household participation in demand response programmes. The Energieinstitut provides estimates of demand response potentials as inputs to two large-scale energy system models Plan4EU (EDF) and EMPIRE (NTNU) to complete a coupling of micro and macro energy system forecasting and planning methods.