Future District Heating System Linz

Sondierung neuer Konzepte für zukünftige Energietransformationen im Linzer Wärmesystem

Project Description

The aim of the project was to explore the technical potential for the integration of industrial waste heat in DH systems and the evaluation of the associated integration of large heat storage, large heat pumps, back-up systems and the identification of innovative financing options for the realization of the associated investments. The Heat Merit Order Tool was applied to elaborate the network and storage functioning.

Project Consortium

  1. Energieinstitut an der JKU Linz
  2. AIT
  3. Linz AG

Project duration

01.04.2016 - 31.03.2017

Funding provider

Climate and Energy Fund

Funding program

Smart Cities - 6. Ausschreibung Demo 2015
Klimafonds 2d Rbg Neu Ab 2023
Dieses Projekt wird aus Mitteln des Klima- und Energiefonds gefördert und im Rahmen des Programmes "853169" durchgeführt.
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