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Hydrogen Region East Austria goes Live

Im Projekt H2REAL wird ein Hydrogen Valley in der Region Ostösterreich unter Berücksichtigung der gesamten Wasserstoff-Wertschöpfungskette (Produktion, Distribution/Logistik, Endverbrauch) entwickelt. Ziel ist es, Konzepte und Strategien zu entwickeln, die einen gemeinsamen Aufbau von Wasserstoffproduktionskapazitäten und...

CaCTUS Stakeholder Workshop

On April 6, a large stakeholder workshop was held at GeoSphere Austria as part of the CaCTUS research project with denkstatt Austria and the University of Leoben. Under the organization and moderation of Nikolas Sachs,...

Zero Emission Mobility Power System Integration

The study focuses on the interaction between electric mobility in road transport (cars, buses, trucks) and the power grid. The study determines the current technological status of the different V2X- and smart charging applications and...

Regulatory Sandboxes for the Energy Transition

Regulatory Sandboxes aim to enable regulation to respond to the high innovation dynamics in the energy sector. Last week, Argjenta Veseli participated in a workshop at the Florence School of Regulation – FSR Energy on...

Legal & regulatory analysis

Classification of new technologies, applications and business models in the existing legal framework – Further development of legal matters – Comparative law

100 percent renewable electricity by 2030

100 percent renewable electricity by 2023: “Target is achievable” Priv.-Doz. Dr. Johannes Reichl and Dr. Simon Moser refer in the OÖN article to the target set by the Austrian federal government of producing 100 percent...

Socioeconomic & sociotechnical analyses

Survey & polls – Identification of barriers, chances and recommandations for action – Innovation research and exploratory market analysis – Expert interviews

Young Scientist Poster Award for Valerie Rodin

Award for Valerie Rodin with the Young Scientist Poster Award at IEWT 2023 Valerie Rodin MSc was awarded the Young Scientist Poster Award at IEWT 2023 for her work on “Steel, ammonia, green H2 and...

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