Sebastian Goers works as a Researcher since April 2008 and as a Senior Researcher since December 2013 at the Department of Energy Economics of the Energieinstitut at the Johannes Kepler University Linz. After his studies in Bonn, Germany, and Córdoba (Universidad Católica de Córdoba), Argentina, he graduated in economics with a focus on international macroeconomics and environmental economics at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelm University Bonn. His dissertation at the Johannes Kepler University Linz, entitled with “Assessing the European Emissions Trading Scheme’s effectiveness and efficiency via on analysis of endowment and CO2 allowance price behavior”, dealt with selected aspects on the effectiveness and efficiency of the European Emissions Trading Scheme. His research focuses mainly on the macro econometric analysis of energy issues at regional and national level and in the evaluation of European energy and climate policies. In addition, Sebastian Goers acts since mid-2013 as the scientific coordinator of Upper Austria within the RLS Energy Network of the partner regions of Bavaria, Georgia, Western Cape, Upper Austria, Québec, São Paulo and Shandong.