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Climate CAMPAIGNers General Assembly in Finland

Almost “keskiyön aurinko” (midnight sun) and a lot of bright time was waiting in Lahti (Finland) for our General Assembly within the ClimateCAMPAIGNers project. The more than 55 participants in the workshops and interactive sessions knew how to take advantage of this.

The Energy Institute at the JKU Linz is coordinating this EU-funded project with the goal of introducing citizens to CO2-neutral lifestyles with the help of an intuitively designed CC App. A big thank you to our Finnish partners LUT University and Lahden kaupunki / City of Lahti for their excellent support in preparing the General Assembly!

Get the CC App and become part of a global climate community! The City of Linz and the City of Freistadt are already participating as Lighthouse Cities!

To the CC App and Lighthouse Cities:

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