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Presentation of the project “CO2 neutral JKU” at the LIT Breakfast Briefing

On Tuesday, June 13, Simon Moser, Melanie Knöbl and Katharina Rusch presented the project “CO2 neutral JKU” at the LIT Breakfast Briefing at the JKU – LIT Open Innovation Center. The Johannes Kepler University Linz wants to become CO2 neutral by 2030 and the Energieinstitut an der JKU Linz is supporting this by creating a roadmap. Interested parties were able to learn how such a roadmap is developed, what status other universities in Austria and in the DACH region have on the way to climate neutrality, and gain insights into the current data situation at JKU and the next steps in the process of JKU roadmap development.

Many thanks to Elisabeth Ulbrich and the JKU – LIT Open Innovation Center for the invitation and the opportunity to present the project.

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