
Underground Hydrogen Storage – Webinar Recap

This week, the fifth and final webinar of the HyUSPRe project took place. In this webinar, we presented the “Roadmap for Successful Deployment of Underground Hydrogen Storage in Porous Reservoirs in Europe”.

The HyUSPRe project is investigating the feasibility and potential of large-scale underground geological storage of renewable hydrogen in Europe to support the EU’s net-zero emissions target by 2050. This roadmap includes targeted measures and concrete actions based on techno-economic, environmental, social and regulatory assessments.

Special thanks to our speaker Darja Markova, our moderator Argjenta Veseli, the project leader TNO and the whole project consortium for their great work!

Stay tuned! A summarised report and the presentation slides will soon be available on the project website www.hyuspre.eu.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101006632.

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