
Initiation & business models of industrial waste heat projects

Promising business models for feeding industrial waste heat into district heating networks: how waste heat projects are initiated and successfully implemented is the subject of a new paper by Simon Moser and Gabriela Jauschnik.

Link to the paper:

The most important findings first:

  • Good personal relationships are essential.
  • Local politicians can be crucial for the initiation.
  • Major changes at the industrial supplier or district heating company are triggers for contact and implementation.
  • Fairness and transparency are essential for the partners.
  • Often a very simple business model with clear interfaces is chosen (including separate investment, billing and responsibility). Billing is usually per kWh, possibly supplemented by other contractual agreements such as take-or-pay.

Note: Our colleague Gabriela Jauschnik will present the contents of this paper at this year’s Smart Energy Systems Conference in Copenhagen on Tuesday, 12 September 2023 in the Special Session on IEA DHC-Annex TS7.

The contents were developed within the framework of the research projects Heat Highway and Industrial Excess Heat, funded by the Climate and Energy Fund.

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