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Regulatory Sandboxes for the Energy Transition

Regulatory Sandboxes aim to enable regulation to respond to the high innovation dynamics in the energy sector.

Last week, Argjenta Veseli participated in a workshop at the Florence School of Regulation – FSR Energy on “Regulatory Sandboxes for the Energy Transition”, where international experiences were shared and the role of Regulatory Sandboxes in the transformation of the energy system was discussed. Simon Moser and Argjenta Veseli analyze barriers and success factors in the use of Regulatory Sandboxes and develop recommendations for action in the project RE-FRESCH, which is funded by the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation & Technology. It can already be said that there are many factors and risks to consider when implementing Regulatory Sandboxes. If this is the case, they can play a significant role in the transformation of the energy system.

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