Spitzenlastabdeckung Wärme

Analyse der Spitzenlastabdeckung von industrieller Prozesswärme und Fernwärme durch Erneuerbare (in OÖ)

Project Description

The now shortening horizon to complete climate neutrality in Austria requires a focus on and/or intensified analyzes of the substitution of heat peak loads provided by fossil fuels, which represent a major challenge. Especially in winter, the (presumably expensive) renewable alternatives are seasonally stored or imported green gas or renewable electricity. The report outlines the issues in (i) the district heating sector and (ii) the industrial sector and quantifies the challenge based on sector-specific and energy balance data. Furthermore, electricity and green gas are used as a benchmark for renewable peak load coverage and alternatives for peak load provision are identified and evaluated.

Project Consortium

  1. Energieinstitut an der JKU Linz

Project duration

01.06.2022 - 31.12.2022

Funding provider

Land Oberösterreich
Logo Oberoesterreich Rgb
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