The further development of the infrastructure of the current and future energy system is one of the central and essential challenges of our society. The holistic research and development of the energy infrastructure taking into account all relevant dimensions (economic, technical, social, ecological, legal/regulatory, etc.) is an essential basis and central content of the research activities of the Energieinstitut an der JKU Linz.
A wide variety of infrastructures are researched, analyzed and demonstrated that the energy system needs in its transformation to a supply-secure and climate-neutral system. This ranges from centralized and decentralized generation plants to storage, transport and conversion infrastructures, as well as distribution, consumption, disposal and circulation systems. The focus is on all pillars of the energy system – infrastructures in the areas of electricity, heat, gases, mobility, industrial processes and, above all, sector coupling and integration of the various dimensions.
In addition, research is being conducted into the direct and indirect effects that existing and new energy infrastructures achieve and trigger: