IEA IETS Task 15

IEA IETS Task 15 Excess Heat Recovery

Project Description

The overarching goal of Task XV is to initiate the concrete implementation of waste heat utilization projects in industry and to create the necessary framework conditions for this. This includes creating an international network and information infrastructure for key stakeholders to exchange knowledge, co-developing new knowledge and expertise on industrial waste heat, and supporting and accelerating the deployment of the practices in the process industry. In the current subtask 4, 3 specific activities are carried out: (1) The role of waste heat utilization in industry and for industrial symbiosis. (2) Strategic planning and process integration taking into account changes in future energy systems. (3) Innovative waste heat projects at different TRL levels and systematic exchange of knowledge and information. In particular, the Energy Institute at the JKU contributes its extensive prior knowledge of the opportunities, barriers and risks of external waste heat use in activity (1) on industrial symbiosis or industrial-urban symbiosis.

Project Consortium

  1.  TU Wien Institut für Energietechnik und Thermodynamik
  2.  Energieinstitut an der JKU Linz
  3.  AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

Project duration

01.01.2024 - 31.12.2025

Funding provider

Klima- und Energiefonds

Funding program

IEA Forschungskooperation
Klimafonds 2d Rbg Neu Ab 2023
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